Bee Hives, Bee Keepers, Bee Removal Melbourne

Beeware !!!

We all know that bees play an important role in pollinating our flowers and vegetables, and produce wonderful honey for us to enjoy.

bees swarmingA feral swarm has invaded this possum box

However, a swarm of bees can present a danger when they decide to take up residence in our homes or properties.

The Bee Wrangler is a registered bee keeper, specialising in the control and removal of invasive bee and wasp infestation in residential and commercial situations. Options include capture and physical removal of swarm, extermination, and preventative measures to avoid reinfestation.

Your bee or wasp problem will be dealt with the same day, often within a matter of a couple of hours.

Give The Bee Wrangler a BUZZ, anytime, on 0403-750-616, and speak to John to arrange fast, clean, humane solutions to your Bee or Wasp problems, without threat to the environment.
And every job is guaranteed.

Not ONLY bees and wasps! The Beewrangler can assist with all your pest control problems.

For more information on Bee Removal Melbourne, Bee Hives Melbourne, European Wasps Melbourne Beekeepers Melbourne, or Wasp Removal Melbourne then contact The Bee Wrangler today.

The Bee Wrangler | Call: 0403 750 616 |

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